
Top 10 Keto-Friendly Sweeteners and How to Use Them

I don’t know about you, but I have always had a sweet tooth.  That’s how I got my 300-lb figure.  I liked all carbs, but cake, ice cream, cookies, and candy bars were my favorites. When starting a diet, keto or otherwise, the first thing I think about is giving up good foods. But I have found that is not true with keto. I love the foods on the keto lifestyle. Some of my favorite sweets, peanut butter cups, and ice cream, can all be made or bought in accordance with the keto diet. How is this possible? Keto-friendly sweeteners, if you have a sweet tooth, they can help satisfy your cravings without the carb count.  You should limit these some, but they can help you with your sweet tooth. In this article, we will dive into the top 10 keto-friendly sweeteners, exploring how they impact your health, how to use them, and tips for incorporating them into your keto lifestyle. What Makes a Sweetener Keto-Friendly? A keto-friendly sweetener is low in carbohydrates and has minimal impac

The Keto Diet for High Blood Pressure: Can It Help Manage Hypertension?

In today’s world, millions of people are battling high blood pressure, or hypertension, which is a leading cause of heart disease and stroke. While there are many ways to address this condition, one approach that's been gaining attention is the ketogenic (keto) diet. I used weight loss and the keto diet to lower my blood sugar levels to help me with type 2 diabetes.  Along the way, the keto diet also helped me to reduce my high blood pressure levels. I still have problems with Hypertension.  But if I continue using the keto diet and develop it into a lifestyle, my hypertension should continue to lower. When I first started, I was on 4 different medications for high blood pressure, with it still being borderline high.  Now, 2 ½ years later, I am on one medication and in a good blood pressure range. In this article, I am going to explore the relationship between the keto diet and hypertension and determine if it is a viable solution for people looking to manage their blood

Keto Diet for Type 2 Diabetes: A Comprehensive Guide to Managing Blood Sugar Naturally

The keto diet has become very popular for its weight loss benefits, but it is also starting to be known for its management of chronic diseases, particularly type 2 diabetes. In this article, we will discuss how the keto diet may be helpful for type 2 diabetes. But first, I want to touch on a little of my story on this topic. This subject is very dear to me. I have Type 2 diabetes and was on medication for diabetes. My A1C levels had climbed up to around 9.4.  The doctor wanted me to go on more medication to reduce my blood glucose levels. I asked my doctor for 4 months to try and reduce my A1C levels naturally instead of going on more medication.  I came home and bought an e-book on how to lower your blood sugar naturally. It was a form of the keto diet. I followed this strictly until I went back to the doctor 4 months later. My A1C had dropped dramatically, and 50 pounds had been lost. The doctor told me to keep it up, and I did not need to add more medicines to my regimen. The p